- Hi, my lovely followers and friends, this is, for Christians, the most important of weeks for our beliefs and our faith. The death on the cross AND the resurrection of our savior, beloved, and friend Jesus Christ are where we as followers get our meaning in life, our authority and our power.
- In Japan, Anime or japanese cartoons are a huge staple in the lives of kids, teens, and adults. Recently, I came across a 10 min anime of the death of Jesus on the cross from the eyes of the criminal who was saved because of his belief in Jesus.
- This cartoon is pretty graphic (blood, pain, suffering, heartache) but it really is important to know what He went through for you, what He did that you may return to the purpose/way you were created for, and what he did because He/God loved you soooo much. I hope this blesses you and and gives you a picture, a glimpse of His love for you looks like... link --->Jesus Anime
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