
Sending the Bocks to the School of the Circuit Riders!

Written By Kelsey - Hello! As you all may know, Austin & I have been pursuing a fair trade & social justice movement through business called Bound For Freedom --www.boundforfreedom.org -- & are continuing to grow ministry in corporate prayer & the youth at our church here in St. Joseph. We have gotten into several fairs this summer & have a couple more lined up for September & October. So, we are excited & so blessed to have the opportunity to further the stories & causes we're partnering with.

One thing I have noticed after getting married & having settled here this past year without any plans to move or travel (which is something, in the Lord, I'm learning to die to) is that my desire to understand Who the Lord is, is not only showing me how little I know, but it's increasing my hunger for Him so immensely that I can't help but feel antsy & stir crazy at times. Don't get me wrong, deciding to move to Austin's hometown & settle awhile before heading back to Japan is something that has become so awesome to me. I love this place, I love the people & I love the beach! :) 

But this is all to say that that hunger to be further equipped for ministry & knowing the Lord even more has led Austin & I to apply for a spot as a student in YWAM/I-HOP's School of the Circuit Riders. This "school" is a one week intensive for those that hunger after the Lord & want to learn more. There are classes, speakers, ministry opportunities & a jam-packed week of allowing the Holy Spirit to move in our lives as well as those all around us. 

So, we applied. And last week on Austin's birthday, we got an email congratulating us on our acceptance into this one-week program, which happens to be NEXT week, August 11-16th!! We are beyond ecstatic to drive down to Kansas City, MO for six days to see what The Lord has in store, but we need to be sent! For the both of us to get further training in this, we will need to raise $1000 by SATURDAY!! We fully believe The Lord opened doors for this to even be a possibility, & fully believe The Lord will provide the means to get there. We would enthusiastically appreciate any form of support! We both are incredibly uncomfortable asking for financial support from people, but know this is what the body is all about. The school itself is $200 per person, the gas money for the round trip will amount to about $200, the housing & food expenses gets the rest.

Like I said, we are extremely grateful for literally any kind of support in this. Any money that we raise beyond the $1000 is going to go directly to our business Bound For Freedom

An UP side for all those that are moved to send us to KC is that there are perks to your giving!
50.00 = Handwritten artsy thank you letter from the BOTH of us.
75.00 = Artsy/antique home made soy candle made by me or an 8x10 print of one of Austin's Lighthouse Photos
100.00 = A Smiles For the People Toothbrush & a bar of SoapBox Soaps (LemonGrass, Lavender, Orange, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Spearmint, Unscented & Black that smells like tropical licorice) from two of our awesome partner organizations 
150.00 & over = Bound For Freedom TSHIRT (blue or gray)

To donate simply click on the "Donate" Paypal button to the left of this blog post that can be found on the blog home page here blog home page link and follow the instructions, don't forget to include which item you would like in return for donating the correlating amount (sizes, scents, etc.)

If you have any questions please call myself 317-473-2230 or austin 269-930-9330 or email us at info@boundforfreedom.org. We are so thankful for all of you and for what the Lord is doing.

We love you all so much, be BLESSED!!! Kelsey
Ps heres a little video about the school of the Circuit Riders, so AWESOME!!!

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