
Movin Out, In Unity

Happy Labor Day everyone!!! So this past week has been incredibly busy, from Monday-Thursday Kels and I moved out of our first apartment and into our first duplex. As I write this we have not even fully moved in yet because the renovations (which are incredible) the current landlord is doing have not been fully finished yet, so we are living with my parents in the meantime. Then from Friday til now we have been out of town for a wedding between two of Kels and my close friends. Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. Urbanick.

As we have desired to do we want to share another message from the Circuit Rider training we got the opportunity to attend in KC, MO. This particular message is about Unity and Community within the church and how we can move beyond just loving one another, to actually needing one another because the Lord is glorified through the team, more than just the individual. Click the link below to hear more. Its really good.

CR Message on Unity

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